Antique Tractors Reviews & Specs

If you're looking for information about Antique Tractor Pulling, you have come to the right place. Right now we have information for the following clubs and pulling organizations in the state of Michigan: County Line Antique Tractor Pulling Association CLATPA, Lake Shore Antique Tractor Pullers Club LSATPC, Mid Michigan Old Gas Tractor Association MMOGTA, Michigan Tractor Pullers Association MTPA, and the Original Flat River Antique Tractor Club OFRATC. We also have information for the Central Ohio Antique Tractor Pullers Association COATPA, Ohio State Antique Tractor Pullers Association OSATPA, the National Antique Tractor Pullers Association NATPA, and the United States Antique Pullers USAP.

Check out the News page for the latest Antique Tractor Pulling news and a run-down of the latest updates to this website.

- RPM Chart. Check out the stock PTO and Engine RPM'S for your pulling tractor.
- CID calculator. Just enter Bore, Stroke, and number of cylinders to calculate CID.

Antique Tractor Pullers Associations in USA
John Deere Retro Tractors
The United States is home to numerous antique tractor pullers associations, each dedicated to preserving the heritage of vintage farm machinery and promoting the sport of tractor pulling.